Bradley “Kai” Fox

Keone Kealoha

Chris Lee

Mark Stoutemyer

Michelle Galimba

Perry H. Kealoha

Palo Luckett

Pomai Weigert

Matthew Johnson

Kānekoa Kukea-Shultz

Lydi Morgan-Bernal

Joan M. Yoshioka
Without a doubt, the relationships developed with my classmates over the period of the program have been the greatest benefit. I would then include the relationships established with other Ag. Leadership alumns. I feel a part of the broader ag. community throughout Hawai‘i. Hawai‘i Agriculture: The ALF Program has brought me into contact all aspects of the Hawaii Ag. community from Ag. Cooperatives, Food Distribution, Horticultural Production, Animal Husbandry, Industrial Agricultural Systems to Ag. Policy and regulatory framework. The program has brought the challenges facing ag. to light as well as providing me with many of the tools necessary to help face these challenges.
Palo Luckett
I am very grateful to be a part of this unique community and awesome class. It’s challenging to find the words to describe what an amazing opportunity and collection of experiences this has been. This program has truly advanced my confidence and “tool kit” for good leadership, deepened my understanding and thoughtfulness on many complex issues, and broadened my network of contacts, colleagues, and friends. It has helped me to better define my role within a much larger context and to gain an even deeper connection with and love for ku‘u home, Hawai‘i.
Lydi Morgan Bernal
First and foremost — I have a much broader and deeper understanding of many of the key issues that affect Agriculture and natural resources here in Hawai‘i. Secondly, I now have a network of incredible people and resources to go to if there is something I need help with or want to know. I have already been making much use of the facilitation and semi-mediation skills we have learned and use those on a regular basis in daily work. Most of all, I think this is a program that a great many people could benefit from, and I see it as something that I wish was available to everyone because there is so much basic misunderstanding and division between many people and industries that could so easily be overcome by forging a basic relationship which this program has done.
Chris Lee