Nothing stopping us now!

Seminar 7 Day 3 – Oah‘u When you start the day with a fallen tree in the road blocking your way, it might not be a good sign. But we’re ag leaders and nothing stops us!  Tyler made quick work on clearing the tree so that we could start our meeting at the Hawai’i Agricultural … Read more

Sunburst Trout Farm, Hop’n Blueberry, Group Dinner

National Trip Day 12 Our daily coordinator keeping us on schedule for the day… …and making sure everything is just right. Passed a paper mill in Canton, NC on the way to our first stop of the day. Wes from Sunburst Trout Farms gave a great tour of their processing facility, raceways and ponds, and … Read more


National Trip Day 11 First morning we were treated to 30 degrees F, and frost on the plants. Inside the Van Wingerden International greenhouse.  They service many garden centers in the Southeast region, namely Homedepot. Next up on this bitter, cold morning was McConnell Farms.  They raise over 20 different crops on a 150 acre … Read more

Research Triangle, Cattle Co., and a winery!

National Trip Day 10 After a super couple of days in Raleigh, today we were off to the Research Triangle to meet with BASF and see this impressive area. We learned a lot about the many partnerships BASF has formed to provide a broad array of products used worldwide. Their technological advancements and productivity is … Read more

Andy Meier, Center for Environmental Farming Services (CEFS),Cherry Farm

National Trip Day 8 CEFS is a collaboration of NC State University, NC A&T State University and NC Dept of Agriculture.  No this is not a picture of Superintendent Andy Meier.  But we all agreed he’s bullish on NC ag with as much energy as this fella.  Andy just does’t like having his picture taken.

Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS)

National Trip Day 8 CEFS provides a farm site for ag research contactd by various customers.  Andy negotiates with potential users in contractual arrangements that results in data and new farm techniques for farmers state wide.  Andy took us on a windshield bus tour of organic farming, agroforestry, pasture raised beef and dairy cattle, swine … Read more

Dail Farms Visit, Roy Thagard and Jimmy & Deborah Dail

National Trip Day 8 County Extension Agent Roy Thagard introduced us to Daik Farms owners Jimmy and Deborah Dail.  Dail farms rotates tobacco and produce and also raise hogs for pork producer Murphy-Brown.  Tobacco starts out as seedlings in a hydroponic medium for 60-80 days.  One 7,500 sf shade house produces seedlings for 90 planted … Read more

USDA at Beltsville

At the metro station taking the bus… Happy faces this morning taking the bus to the USDA Ag research services in Beltsville after a 40 min ride on the Metro from Rosselyn to Greenbelt.  At this point of the trip we are Metro experts! Arriving at the USDA Ag research Center… Beautiful view of the … Read more

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Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawai‘i
P. O. Box 342066
Kailua, HI 96734