Seminar 7 Day 1 – Oah‘u
It seems like just yesterday that we were driving through hog farms in North Carolina. Yet here we are, on the island of O’ahu, gathered for the last seminar of our program. We began our first day with the presentations of Capstone projects. The range of projects was very diverse, just like the class. While most people chose projects that they worked on alone, some worked in groups of 2 to 4. The projects included:
– organizing and conducting a “beef summit” on local finished grass fed beef
– developing a land-link database on Maui for landowners and farmers
– developing a web-based app for pesticide information accessible to the public
– recreating the ALFH website and creating a new alumni section
– establishing trials for cover crops to be used for animal feed
– making the cultivation of taro profitable
– creating a food hub in Kakaako
– studying Acacia production in Vietnam and comparing it to the potential in Hawaii
– identifying the need for a multi-disciplinary agriculture program for high school students and teachers
– framing a business plan for starting a cut flower and potted plant orchid operation
– studying the potential of fertilizer made of fish cuttings in Kona
Sydney explained the challenges that the beef summit team faced.
Tyler shared his cultural exchange in Vietnam. Apparently he found a fitting role as king.
Elton shared the hard numbers of starting an orchid business. It is not for someone wanting a quick return on investment.
After the presentations, we went to Y Hata, Inc. on Sand Island to learn about the family-run food delivery business that recently celebrated 100 years of operation and tremendous growth. Russell Hata, Jim Clemens, and Margo Sakazaki shared their insights into the business, which is developing an expanded restaurant cash and carry business. Chef Zone will open in October of this year — can’t wait to see it!
Our last official stop was at the Marine Education and Training Center on Sand Island to see the double-hulled long distance voyaging canoes, Hokule’a, Hikianalia, and Hawai’i Loa. Fellow classmate Miki Tomita talked about the canoes and the Worldwide Voyage, which Hokule’a and Hikianalia will embark on this weekend.
The unofficial last stop was at the famous La Mariana restaurant. Those who didn’t go truly missed out on a trip back in time!